The Sunday School of Grace Fellowship Church exists to support parents in their role as teachers at home as they live by the Bible’s guidance in Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
We desire to help parents by introducing their children to other caring Christian adults who:
- Show God’s love in their interactions with others,
- Clearly explain the message of the gospel,
- Teach essential Christian values,
- Offer fundamental knowledge about various doctrines of the Bible, and
- Teach practical Christian skills like:
- Prayer,
- Sharing their faith, and
- Studying the Bible,
- With all of this leading to a strong desire for a close relationship with God in every aspect of life.
FAMILY FUN FRIDAYS are a monthly blast at our church! They typically take place on the first Friday of each month from 6 to 8pm and we would love to see you join us!
In the month of January, our Family Fun Friday will bring all ages together to enjoy the 2010 Dreamworks-animated superhero comedy film, Megamind!
- Who? Absolutely everyone – and it’s completely free!
- What? The 2010 animated superhero comedy film Megamind
- When? Friday, January 24th from 5-8pm
- Where? The church auditorium
- How? Please RSVP to pastor Evan ( so that we can have enough snacks!
